SYERGY: Synergic networking for innovativeness enhancement of Central European actors focused on high-tech industry, Central Europe Interreg, no. CE1171, budget: 1,8 mln EUR, 2017 – 2020
SYNERGY goal is to enhance innovativeness in EU regions through strengthening linkages and beyond border cooperation to create synergy between SMEs, industry, research, intermediaries and policy makers. The project scope is mainly oriented on Advanced Manufacturing with a special focus on the most promising modern industrial technologies in 3 Key Project’s Areas (KPAs):
(1) Additive Manufacturing,
(2) Micro- and nanotechnology-related processes and materials
(3) Industry 4.0.
Following the Quadruple Helix Innovation Model, the SYNERGY project partners represent not only entities based on Triple Helix Innovation Model – four higher education and research institutions (Poland, Slovenia and Germany), one SME (Austria), two business support organizations (Croatia, Italy) and government as an associated partner (Poland), but also the project aims at involving society. Within the project an analysis of running and finalized projects in 3 KPAs was done. Then, institutions that were realizing these projects, were be clustered into Synergic Consortia. The next step was to create living linkages among regional actors through innovative Synergic Networks. Members of the transnational Synergic Networks during workshops and meetings have defined expectations of the new the Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform (SCIP). The SCIP has become a space for enhancement open innovation, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding and microworking among project partners’ regions.