AMiCE, University of Genoa
Organized by: University of Genova, with the support of Genova
Chamber of Commerce
Online training via MS Teams
1) Join the team via the code number b1ef0pa (see
2) send email to request direct invitation to
The AMICE learning and demonstration network is an event of the AMiCE (Advanced Manufacturing in Central Europe) project, funded by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE program, where recent advances in Additive Manufacturing and related technologies are shated to R&D and industrial community. The AMiCE project tackles three major challenges faced by SMEs when adopting advanced manufacturing technologies: access to knowledge, promotion of investments, competitiveness of these projects.
Advanced manufacturing technologies are a key driver of competitiveness in many industries, creating opportunities for applying Additive Manufacturing strategies and contributing to keeping skills and jobs in central Europe. Additive manufacturing can support the development of new products and related markets.
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