DEETECHTIVE intends to transform each participating HEI into a university of significantly increased entrepreneurial and innovation capacity, and to enhance their impact on surrounding ecosystems.

We are facing a major shift in the way that people work, innovate and study. This is caused not only by the Industry 4.0 era and social media, but also the huge transformation in education and labour systems brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. DEETECHTIVE’s unique approach is therefore based on deep tech, open innovation, sharing economy and social product development.

DEETECHTIVE sees a path in HEIs’ transformation towards universities of increased entrepreneurial and innovation capacity through Open Science by implementing an IVAP focused on (see details below):

  • Action 1: Talent Hunter Space;
  • Action 2: Deep Tech Dates;
  • Action 3: International Open Innovation Training: IDEA-up DEEP TECH;
  • Action 4: Deep Tech Innovation Challenges;
  • Action 5: Pre-Incubation Mentoring Programme: GROW UP TECH;
  • Action 6: Start-up Booster;
  • Action 7: Knowledge Hotspot.
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SMERF: SME Ready for Future

SMERF, following the approach based on cross-regional Quintuple Helix Innovation Model, aims at:

(1) supporting low-tech and medium-tech SMEs transition towards companies ready for the future in 4 pillars:

  1. Innovation culture,
  2. Digital manufacturing,
  3. Open innovation 2.0 & sharing economy,
  4. Green & circular economy & sustainability,

(2) providing new services to HEIs and innomediaries that will enhance their competences and equally support SMEs beyond borders.

The SMERF project (SME Ready for Future) focuses on developing models and tools to effectively support the transformation of low- and medium-level technological SMEs towards future readiness. The project aims to create new service models for higher education institutions and business environment supporting institutions (innomediaries) to enhance their competencies while assisting SMEs in their transformation journey. The main research objectives of the SMERF project cover four pillars:

  • Innovation Culture
  • Digital Manufacturing
  • Open Innovation 2.0 and Sharing Economy
  • Green & circular economy & sustainability

The project is implemented by a consortium of four universities from Poland, Germany, Italy, and Slovakia, along with four innomediaries from Austria, Hungary, Croatia, and Italy.

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IDEATION project

Our team is leading another international project – IDEATION.

Project timeline : 07.2022 – 06.2024

IDEATION intends to transform participating Higher Education Institutions into universities of significantly increased entrepreneurial and innovation capacity and to enhance their impact on surrounding ecosystems.
IDEATION’s unique approach is based on Open Innovation, Sharing Economy and Social Product Development, as we are facing a major shift in the way how people work, innovate and study. It is caused not only by the Industry 4.0 era and social media – based reality but also a huge impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the way how education and daily work has changed.

IDEATION sees a path in HEIs transformation through 6 dedicated actions boosting innovativeness and entrepreneurial skills:
Action 1: Digital access to infrastructure
Action 2: Knowledge Triangle Networks
Action 3: Crowd Innovation
Action 4: Testing crowdfunding opportunities
Action 5: Pre Incubation Program
Action 6: International Open Innovation Training

Consortium partners:

  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, POLAND (Leader)
  • Holon Institute of Technology, ISRAEL
  • University of La Laguna, SPAIN
  • Institute for Industrial Management, GERMANY

More about the project

The 15th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management

In June 2021 our team took part in the 15th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management. 3 papers were presented:

Analysis of platforms supporting Open Innovation approach by Mariusz Cholewa, Mateusz Molasy, Maria Rosienkiewicz and Joanna Helman

Efficiency analysis of hybrid forecasting models supporting manufacturing companies in production planning, maintenance and quality management by Maria Rosienkiewicz

Digital Twin-driven approach towards manufacturing processes support by Joanna Helman

The GCMM is a major biennial international conference for wide spread dissemination of knowledge in manufacturing, management, engineering and technology.

SYNERGY Final Conference


The on-line conference that summarises the SYNERGY Project (“SYnergic Networking for innovativeness Enhancement of central european actoRs focused on hiGh-tech industrY”) takes place on the 21st of October, 2020 . The project, implemented by the international consortium of 7 organisations from 6 countries, was led by Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

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Infrastructure sharing

From January – February 2020, the SYNERGY Project team is carrying out the Online Pilot Action “Rent-A-Robot / Infrastructure Sharing” bringing together infrastructure providers with potential infrastructure takers to develop joint infrastructure solutions in the thematic areas of Additive Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and Micro-& Nanotechnology. Current infrastructure providers comprise companies, research institutions and universities across Europe which are listed and can accessed via the SynPro IT-Tool within the recently published Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform.

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Simulated crowdfunding

Wrocław University of Science and Technology organised the simulated crowdfunding workshop on the 5th of February 2020 in Wrocław, Poland. It was the first regional event of out 7 planned in the SYNERGY project. The aim of the meeting was to promote the open innovation approach in research and present alternative funding mechanisms based on crowdfunding, as well as introduce and test the recently launched Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform.

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